Exploring the Connection Between ADHD and PTSD
When you think of either ADHD or PTSD, you’re probably not going to include them in the same conversation. They are distinct conditions, often associated with different symptoms.
Finding Connection: Talking to Your Emotionally Distant Partner Without Blame
Humans are social beings and require that connection piece to feel fulfilled in one of our basic needs. When you enter into a relationship with a partner, you assume they will be the automatic fulfiller of that need.
Understanding How Narcissistic Personality Disorder Affects Relationship Health
Honest communication, respecting boundaries, an ability to be yourself, and trust. These are all known as green flags within a relationship.
5 Effective Strategies for Building Your Self-Worth
You’re probably familiar with the terms self-confidence and self-esteem. While these concepts may differ, they definitely play into how you view and measure your self-worth.
Depression vs. Burnout... What's the Difference?
We live in a fast-paced world that is on 24 hours a day. There’s always a deadline looming, a task needing to be completed, or someone needing attention.
OCD and ADHD: How Are They Connected?
Nowadays, both obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have become somewhat common terms in the mental health atmosphere.
A Look at Infertility and Its Effect on Relationships
There should be no surprise that having infertility issues could cause some type of effect on your relationship. It’s intense news to receive and a potentially long road forward.
Exploring the Growing Mental Health Challenges in Children
Mental health has been cast into the limelight over recent years as something everyone needs to spend more time prioritizing. Your mental health can dictate how you interact with your world, how your relationships thrive or fail, and the course of your physical health.
Boosting Confidence: How to Strengthen Body Image in Adolescents
Adolescence is a fun and exciting time. It’s a time to learn new things, develop an identity, and take steps towards adulthood while still staking claims to youthful years. As fun as it can be, there are also many challenges that arise during this time.
Undiagnosed ADHD and Its Relationship with Depression
ADHD and depression are not commonly used in the same conversation, let alone the same sentence. They are two very different conditions, after all.
You've Been Diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder... What's Next?
Life is going to be filled with ups and downs. We can’t truly feel and appreciate the good times without going through some bad times.
What to Know About DBT Therapy
Dialectical behavior therapy, also known as DBT, was a resource developed by psychologist Dr. Marsha Linehan in the 70s. It may not be as commonly known and understood as other methods, but still has effectiveness nonetheless.
CBT: How Does It Help Anxiety?
Day to day life is filled with stressors that can become triggering for anxiety. The hustle and bustle of work life. Balancing work with personal life.
What Is Gottman Couples Therapy?
Couples therapy can carry a bad reputation. There’s a stigma that if a couple needs couples therapy, it must mean their relationship is struggling or on the verge of failure. Happy couples don't fight... right?
Dating After Divorce: A Helpful Guide
Divorce is a journey that no one has on their relationship bucket list. It’s a complex process and one that comes with significant life changes.
Helpful Strategies to Communicate Effectively as a Family
Communication is a key element in any type of healthy relationship. Those in successful relationships will often say how essential communication is. This ideal holds equally true for the family relationship.
5 Unique Issues that Blended Families Face
The fact that you’re entering into a blended family is something worth celebrating. You’ve met someone new that you’re choosing to spend your life with. This decision wasn’t easy given there are children involved.
6 Signs That Your Family Might Be Communicating in a Dysfunctional Way
The picture-perfect family ideal lives in everyone’s mind. We all have our own version of what the white picket fence looks like.
How Therapy Can Set Your Blended Family Up for Success
The decision to combine families rarely comes easy. When you have children with a previous partner, there’s an inherent need to be cautious with their emotions moving forward.
How to Help Your Teen Develop Essential Skills for Adulthood
The time from your child being a baby to becoming a teenager can feel like it goes by in the blink of an eye. First, they're in diapers. The next thing you know, they’re graduating from high school.