Trauma Therapy
Are You Struggling To Feel Connected With Yourself And Your Surroundings?
Is it difficult for you to stay present in life? Are you living in your past? Do you have trouble relaxing or feeling safe regardless of your surroundings? Have you been having a difficult time connecting to your partner, family, or friends?
People living with trauma often experience life in extremes. They either feel detached from those around them, or they experience heightened emotions that are hard to control, such as fear, stress, or anger.
Deep down, all you want is to get rid of the negative triggers or memories associated with traumatic experiences so you can go back to living a normal life.
Living With Trauma/ PTSD Is More Than Just Living In Fear
Trauma and PTSD affect people differently. Maybe you’ve noticed that you’re experiencing some of the following:
Increased reactivity to your environment
Inability to regulate emotions
Emotional detachment/ numbness
Adverse shifts in relationships
Chest tightening
Difficulty breathing
Gut issues
Memory and concentration problems
Living with trauma is an unpredictable, lonely journey. But you no longer have to go through this alone. At Talk To Heal Counselling Services, we can help you to process traumas in a healthy way. Together, we can work through your fears and journey toward peace and healing.
Have any questions? Send us a message!
Trauma/PTSD Is More Common Than You’d Think
Traumatic events could look like sudden life-changing events such as accidents, natural disasters, the loss of a loved one; or more ongoing, long-term issues such as neglect, abuse, and bullying. It can happen to anyone at any time. Research suggests that people who have experienced trauma in the past are more susceptible to developing mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, or substance use challenges in the future.
A lot of people who seek out therapy have experienced some kind of trauma in their lives. It is estimated that about eight percent of Canadians who experience a traumatic event develop PTSD. (1) It’s also estimated that around nine percent of Canadian adults will experience PTSD at some point in their lifetime. Studies have found that 12 to 23 percent of first responders— police, firefighters, paramedics, and search and rescue professionals—experience PTSD, depending on the specific profession and where they are located. (2)
Cultural And Generational Factors Heavily Contribute To Trauma/PTSD
Both cultural and generational factors significantly influence complex trauma. Traumatic experiences frequently transcend generations as people grapple with the enduring impact of their negative experiences, leading them to replicate harmful behaviours. This can manifest in various forms, including instances of physical or emotional abuse within families.
Additionally, external factors like war, conflict, poverty, and numerous social and political issues contribute substantially to complex trauma at the community level. Furthermore, the presence of a negative stigma acts as a barrier to seeking help, particularly in careers like first responders. This only perpetuates the problem.
Regardless of how you have developed trauma, you can find relief through therapy. You may have been living with this pain for so long that you feel there is no way to heal from it. However, with counselling, you can move forward and let go of traumatic memories.
Trauma Therapy Can Help You Heal From The Pain Of The Past
Therapy offers you a space to share your life experiences with a therapist who is a compassionate and non-judgmental listener. Our team is well-trained in working with even more complex and specific types of trauma. We offer a safe and nurturing environment where you can openly express your thoughts and feelings and ultimately feel seen, heard, and validated in your healing journey.
Within this therapeutic space, you will learn valuable tools and strategies to effectively manage trauma-related symptoms when they arise. It serves as a platform for you to unburden themselves from the weight of their past, knowing that they will be met with unwavering support and warmth, fostering healing and growth.
Our Approach To Trauma/PTSD Therapy
Trauma work starts by exploring where you stand with mood regulation, coping strategies, and living circumstances, as we need to make sure that it is safe for you to begin trauma work.
The initial phases of therapy focus on collecting distressing memories and helping you identify trauma themes that might be ongoing in your past or present. We would also explore how these memories are currently impacting your current life and overall functioning.
You will be taught how to calm your nervous system through a variety of relaxation and mindfulness-based techniques. You will also be equipped with techniques to better manage trauma-related symptoms such as flashbacks, emotional numbness, or intrusive thoughts when they come up to the surface and learn to ground yourself more independently.
Some of the techniques and exercises we use during trauma work include resource development and installation, safe space worksheet, dissociative experiences scale, guided imagery, and mindfulness meditation (tree and lightstream meditation).
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy is used to help people struggling with trauma safely recall distressing events while simultaneously engaging in specific eye movements or other bilateral movements, including taps and sounds. This process allows your brain to reprocess triggering traumatic memories and reduce the debilitating emotions attached to them. With EMDR, we help you develop more positive, adaptive responses to past trauma.
No matter the modality used during trauma treatment, at Talk To Heal Counselling we can help you experience relief from the pain that has been weighing you down. With the help of our experienced trauma therapists, a normal and fulfilling life is possible.
Perhaps You Still Have Some Questions About Trauma Therapy…
Even though trauma work is considered a more intensive type of therapy, there are specific standards and procedures to ensure you are not harmed in any way throughout the process. Different trauma modalities have specific methods to help prevent you from reliving memories while being able to process the content of those memories.
In trauma work, we often say that the past is not really in the past if your mind is still preoccupied with past events. A trauma-specialized therapist will help you understand how your past trauma is currently impacting your mood, your daily functioning level, or the quality of your relationships. Knowing and understanding your trauma can help regulate and ground you and allow you to better manage trauma symptoms when they show up.
With trauma work, your therapist has to ensure that you are a good candidate for this type of therapy. Once your therapist has that discussion with you, there is a preparation process during which you are provided with tools and techniques to use in case you start to feel overwhelmed by the work. However, if you still feel like this kind of therapy is not a good fit for you, you have the right to end the services at any point, and your therapist will help you with that process.
You Can Live A Life Free From Trauma/PTSD
If you’re tired of being burdened by the pain and hurt of past traumatic experiences, therapy with Talk To Heal Counselling can give you the resources and support you need to heal your heart and mind. For a free 15-minute consultation or to schedule an appointment, please call us at (905) 418-2051. You can look forward to a normal life.
1. https://cpa.ca/sections/traumaticstress/simplefacts/#:~:text=It%20is%20estimated%20that%20about,%2C%20%26%20Boyle%2C%202008
2. https://cmha.bc.ca/documents/post-traumatic-stress-disord