Anxiety Therapy
Are Anxious Thoughts And Emotions Preventing You From Living Life On Your Own Terms?
Is it difficult for you to relax because of unwanted obsessive thoughts and ruminations? Are demanding work responsibilities leading to feelings of stress and a sense of powerlessness? Have you noticed that your anxiety symptoms developed due to an unresolved traumatic experience?
Perhaps you feel stuck in a loop of negative thoughts, emotions, and behaviours you can’t seem to overcome. Or maybe your fears have become so overwhelming that you’ve begun to avoid social interactions and keep to yourself. It could be that your anxiety is beginning to affect your connection to the people closest to you.
More than anything, you want to be free of negative, debilitating thoughts and be able to express your needs without the fear of being judged.
Anxiety Involves More Than Just Constant Worry
Anxiety symptoms can manifest differently in each person. You may be dealing with mental fatigue, impaired concentration, avoidance, isolation, dread, emotional outbursts, and difficulty setting clear boundaries.
Moreover, you probably struggle with panic disorders, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD), or more physical symptoms like weakness, chest tightening, difficulty breathing, gut issues, headaches, and dizziness.
Trying to overcome anxiety by yourself can be confusing and even scary. However, having the support of an experienced therapist can help you effectively understand and manage your anxiety symptoms.
Have any questions? Send us a message!
Although Anxiety Is Common, It Does Not Have To Control You
According to the Anxiety Disorders Association of Canada, “the 12-month prevalence for any anxiety disorder is over 12 percent and one in four Canadians (25 percent) will have at least one anxiety disorder in their lifetime”. Approximately 3 million (11.6 percent of) Canadians in 2013 who were 18 years or older reported mood and/or anxiety disorder. (1)
Anxiety is a very normal human emotion that everyone experiences at some point in life. In most instances, it is a temporary response to a tense or stressful situation. On the other hand, sometimes worry, unease, and fear become chronic, debilitating, and hurt your quality of life.
Societal Pressure Is A Major Contributor To Anxiety Development
Our community experiences a tremendous amount of pressure to excel in careers and wealth building. The need to show off achievements and “one-up” one another is a growing practice.
There is also an element of family culture that places high expectations on children, especially within immigrant families where there is a lot of hope but also pressure on the next generation to excel and succeed in all aspects of life. In these households, there is usually very little room or tolerance for any type of mistake or failure.
Research suggests that there is a very high correlation between being raised in home environments where there has been tension, abuse, and relational issues, and developing anxiety disorders such as OCD, Panic disorder, or GAD later on in life.
Therapy can help you identify and work through the root cause of your anxiety and provide the resources you need to finally have control of your thoughts.
Anxiety Therapy Can Help Restore Balance To Your Life
Sharing your thoughts and feelings can feel uncomfortable, but it is an act of strength, and we commend you for it. With us, you are provided with a safe space to share your worries and fears without the fear of being judged.
We are here to help you feel seen, heard and understood. Our compassionate therapists will guide you toward unravelling what triggers your anxiety and show you various strategies to cope with its symptoms.
What To Expect During Anxiety Therapy Sessions
We offer both in-person and online therapy. Typically, we begin with an intake session designed to better understand the challenges you had in the past as well as the presenting issues. The next step is goal setting, which helps us gain clarity about where you want to go and some of the specific changes you would like to see in different areas of your life. This can include the mood or quality of your relationships.
Collaboratively, we put together a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. We also provide lots of additional resources that can be used outside of your session time.
Our Approach To Anxiety Therapy
At Talk To Heal Counselling, we use several approaches to treat anxiety, including:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is used during sessions to identify and restructure negative, unhelpful thought and behavioural patterns and belief systems that contribute to anxiety. Through CBT, you learn various coping skills through worksheets like ‘The Worry Diary,’ ‘Obsession Challenging Form,’ and ‘Tolerating Uncertainty.’ Behavioural Activation and Problem-Solving skills will also help you reduce anxious thoughts and develop more empowering positive ones instead.
Relaxation and Mindfulness-based Techniques help alleviate high stress and anxiety and focus on being in the present moment. You will learn skills like grounding exercises (54321 technique, body awareness) and mindfulness meditation (deep breathing exercises, guided imagery, progressive muscle relaxation techniques).
Therapists will guide you through visualization or sensory exercises and help calm the nervous system in sessions, work on breathing, and be more focused on the body.
Our work at Talk To Heal Counseling is holistic as we teach you how to identify and tackle their anxiety on cognitive, emotional, and physical levels. We also use a combination of techniques like Emotion Focused Therapy or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) to help treat various traumas, phobias, and panic attacks.
Our ultimate goal is to help you better navigate and control your anxious thoughts and learn how to regulate your body and nervous system when you feel distressed. Anxiety is highly treatable, and seeking therapy will be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make.
You May Be Considering Anxiety Therapy But Have More Questions…
Yes. Having anxiety symptoms when you don't feel anxious is more common than you may think. The consequences of enduring stress over a prolonged period can go beyond fleeting moments of anxiety and result in chemical changes within your brain and body. When signs of anxiety manifest, even if you're not conscious of being anxious, you might experience physical symptoms of anxiety despite not feeling an "anxious" sensation.
Perhaps that is the most common myth about anxiety. With most types of anxiety, if they don't get treated promptly, the symptoms will only worsen over time, and you could end up with more complex types of anxiety-related issues in the long run. Even though talking about your stress might feel uncomfortable, talk therapy and exposure techniques are found to be the most effective ways of symptom reduction.
Yes! For someone who has been anxious for many years, it might be almost impossible to imagine how it could feel to live a single day without their worries. Research suggests that a more in-depth form of psychotherapy, such as trauma therapy or somatic work, can be highly effective.
You Can Be In Control Of Your Mind
If anxiety is preventing you from enjoying life the way you’ve always hoped you could, therapy with Talk To Heal Counselling can provide you with the resources to heal and manage your symptoms. For a free 15-minute consultation or to schedule an appointment, please call us at (905) 418-2051. A life free from anxiety awaits you!