
Contact us today and our office will reach out to you within 24 hours. We thrive on making sure you are connected with the best quality services and therefore we offer an introductory 15-minute free phone consultation, so you can get a chance to know your therapist, ask any questions, and see if this is the right fit for you. You can book us online or send us a message using the contact form.



(905) 418-2051


1160 Clarence St Unit 8, Woodbridge, ON L4H 2V3, Canada


Driving Directions

400 North:

  1. After passing 407, turn left onto Rutherford Rd.

  2. Turn left onto Clarence St.

  3. The destination is on your right side, right after you pass the Longo’s store and Avdell Ave.

427 North:

  1. After passing 407, turn right onto Rutherford Rd.

  2. Turn right onto Clarence St

  3. The destination is on your right side, right after you pass the Longo’s store and Avdell Ave.