Helpful Strategies to Communicate Effectively as a Family
Communication is a key element in any type of healthy relationship. Those in successful relationships will often say how essential communication is. This ideal holds equally true for the family relationship.
Whether your children are young and everyone is under the same roof or your children are grown and living on their own, communication is an important concept to prioritize to keep your family unit thriving. With your various members at potentially different phases, you may wonder how you can communicate effectively.
Here are effective strategies you can use to boost your communication.
Practice Active Listening
Communication is more than just talking. In all honesty, the listening part is one of the most important aspects. We often forget or discount the idea of listening being more than just hearing what someone is saying.
There is a difference between listening and active listening. The latter requires practice and effort in order to be effective. When you actively listen, you’re not only taking in what the other person is saying, but also interacting with that information. You’re not focused on distractions around you or figuring out what you want to say next. Instead, you’re tuned in to them.
When you have multiple family members with active lives, there’s likely a lot of information going around on any given day. Active listening will ensure you’re all on the same page and hearing the information properly.
Be Open and Honest
When it comes to the hierarchy of family dynamics, there often becomes a point where openness and honesty aren’t always easy. Partners may not be on the same page where children are concerned. Young children are afraid to tell their parents that they broke a rule. Teens are more inclined to hide information from their parents, whether in rebellion or fear or something in between.
Instill in your family a policy of being open and honest. When you’re able to practice this, especially during times of any conflict, you’re going to find your communication to be more effective.
Schedule Family Time
Having family time is something that is easier when the children are younger, but becomes more difficult as the children age. When your young children are involved in any type of activity, it becomes more difficult at an earlier age.
While it may sound cliche, family time is important for bonding and a great way to boost your communication as a whole. No matter what the age of your children or how busy your schedules may be, it’s important to carve out some time for this.
This could be a weekly dinner, a daily phone check in, a monthly family outing, or even a walk in the evening after activity has calmed down. During this time, you should be completely focused on each other and avoid distractions from electronic devices.
Spend One-on-One Time with Each Member
When it’s just you and your partner, it’s easy to find time to communicate and spend time together. When you add one child into the mix, it increases the difficulty. Each additional child magnifies that even more.
Communication can start to struggle if anyone feels unheard or unseen. Family time is important, but so is the one-on-one time. Make sure you and your partner are spending time with each kid in some one-on-one capacity. It can be scheduled or spontaneous. Make it fun and fitting to their needs and interests. And don’t forget to have alone time with your partner as well for some kid-free communication.
It isn’t easy making time for communication in this fast-paced and busy-scheduled world. Incorporating these core strategies can help repair any broken communication habits or start to build new ones. If you’re interested in learning more about effective communication habits, reach out to us about family therapy today.